Professional Scrum Master
23 important questions on Professional Scrum Master
What can you say about time-boxing events?
What does the Sprint contain and consist of?
Sprints contain and consist of:
- the Sprint Planning
- Daily Scrums
- the Development work
- the Sprint Review
- the Sprint Retrospective
Describe a Sprint
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Why is a Sprint limited to one calender month?
When and by whom can a Sprint be cancelled?
What can be said about the Sprint Goal towards the Product Backlog?
What is the function of the Sprint Goal for the DT?
What is a Daily Scrum?
How is a Daily Scrum organized?
- What did I do yesterday that helped the DT meet the Sprint Goal?
- What will I do today to help the DT meet the Sprint Goal?
- Do I see any impediment that prevents me for the DT from meeting the Sprint Goal?
What is the role of the SM in the DS?
The SM enforces the rule that only DT members participate in the DS.
What is a Sprint Review?
What is the duration of a Sprint Review?
What is the role of the SM in a Sprint Retrospective?
The SM encourages the ST to improve, within the Scrum process framework, its development process and practices to make it more effective and enjoyable for the next Sprint.
What are the deliverables of a Sprint Retrospective?
Although improvements may be implemented at any time, the Sprint Retrospective provides a formal opportunity to focus on inspection and adaptation.
How can a PB contribute to multiple ST's working on the same product?
What is PB refinement?
Refinement usually consumes no more than 10% of the capacity of the DT. However PB items can be updated at any time by the PO or at the PO's discretion.
What can you say about the transparency of the PB items during refining activities?
What is the role of the PO in monitoring progress towards a goal?
What can be said about the details in a SB?
What can be said about making changes in the SB?
Only the DT can change its SB during a Sprint. The SB is a highly visible, real-time picture of the work that the DT plans to accomplish during a Sprint, and it belongs solely to the DT.
Who is responsible for monitoring Sprint progress?
As ST's mature, what can be expected of their definitions of "Done"?
What can be said about implementing only parts of Scrum?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
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