Blueprinting Evolution and Components - Components of Service Blueprints

4 important questions on Blueprinting Evolution and Components - Components of Service Blueprints

What are the 5 components of a Service Blueprint?

  1. Customer Actions,
  2. Onstage/Visible Contact Employee Actions,
  3. Backstage/Invisible Contact Employee Actions,
  4. Support Processes, and
  5. Physical Evidence.

What makes blueprinting different from other flowcharting approaches?

The actions of the customer are central to the creation of the blueprint, typically laid out first so that all other activities can be seen as supporting the value proposition offered to or co-created with the customer.

What is meant by the "onstage/visible contact employee actions?"

They are separated from the customer by the line of interaction. Those actions of frontline contact employees that occur as part of a face-to-face encounter are depicted as onstage contact employee actions.
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What is meant with the support process?

They are separated from contact employees by the internal line of interaction. These are all of the activities carried out by individuals and units within the company who are not contact employees but that need to happen in order for the service to be delivered.

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