Lean synchronization - What is lean synchronization

6 important questions on Lean synchronization - What is lean synchronization

What is lean sychronaization

delivering the item the customer wants exactly when needed and on the right location in the right quantities for the lowest cost.

What is the difference between lean and just in time?

Lean stresses to eliminate waste, while just in time emphasizes the idea of producing items only when they are needed

What is the differnce between Lean and JIT?

lean focusses on reducing waste and JIT on producing items only when they are needed
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What is the downside of a synchronized flow?

When a problem occurs in one stage it will continou immediately go to the next one.

What are the four elements of lean?

1) waste elimination
2) behavior
3) synchronization
4) Customer focus

What is the river and rocks analogy?

When the water is high the rocks won't be noticed. when the water level drops the rocks are now visable and need to be reduced.

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