Monitoring the Rule of Law in the EU

7 important questions on Monitoring the Rule of Law in the EU

What is the link between joining the eu , art.49 teu and the values?

Respecting the values is precondition for membership.

How do you enforce art.2 teu?

In combination with art.7 teu. This was done after sovjet states joined.

What are the reports on the rule of law?

Vonder leyen promised that, it has topics that are examnied by all 27 states.
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When can you invoke the fundamental rights charter?

fundamental rights charter only applies if you already have some other rights or obligation of EU law applicable in a situation and only then you can also invoke rights the charter.

Where does the chter only work, and how does it work?,art51

How to work with this limit that charter only applies to implementation of union law.  Art 47 of the charter corresponds to article 6 of the ECHR. Not in identical terms, but it’s clear from the explanation of the charter that the guarantees of article 6 are incorporated in 47. art.19 applies to any court that might use union law.

WHAT ARE  shortcoming of preliminary procedure and

Preliminary reference: can be politically hijacked. In matters of rule of law, we are in the legal debate, close to political debate.

What for role plays the recovery and resiliance plan in art.2/7 procedure?

recovery and resilience it is a new prigramm, it allows  ms to get money from the eu. it was establish from the covid pandemic, it was a system of solidarity. SO they can also invest in their economies. ms get money if they come up with a plan. it has already been approved for allot of states. for poland/hungary the commission  they want to include something about judicial independent. it contains milestones bout this. the plan is full of milestones, what you want to do with the money. contdtitions are in the milestones.

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