Differentiated Integration in the EU

12 important questions on Differentiated Integration in the EU

What are two forms of differentiated integration?

First of all, differentiated integration can take place outside of the EU structure and should not be forgotten. Later on, differentiated integration within the EU Treaties will be discussed

Why is schengen differentiated?

is differentiated because not all MS of the EU are part of Schengen. Schengen was created outside of EU law. In 1985, a number of MS signed the Schengen agreement.The Implementing Convention, the convention implementing the Schengen agreement, which was adopted in 1990 has the same spirit.

Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union and was adopted in 2012

were elements of a fair institutional nature, such as the ^possibility for the MS of the Eurozone to gather in the form of Euro Summits and more specifically the idea of budgetary balance, which was the MS were requested to enshrine in their national legal system
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What is the fiscal compact?

The Fiscal Compact is in the process of being incorporated, a process that may or may not be fully completed. But part of the Fiscal Compact was incorporated in the so-called “2-pack”. Two legislative instruments adopted in 2013, which modified the framework for the functioning for the economic policy in the EU (preventive+ corrective arms of EU economic policy)

differentiated integration organized at the level of the treaties

the eurozone

What are inclusive formats in the informal organs?

inclusive format? This is when they open their doors to representatives of other MS, who can thereby be kept informed of what is happening in the within the Eurogroup and possibly make contributions without having any formal status, but again a mean of informality so it is always a bit difficult to know who is entitled to who but for sure sometimes you will see that there is a meeting of the Euro summit in inclusive format that means that all the MS including non-eurozone MS were allowed to attend

In which art doe we find echanted cooperation ?

Art.328 TFEU

Where can enchanted cooperation only develop?

It can only develop in areas of non-exclusive competences so this is the same as for external agreements between MS in international law

Why do we keep the enchaned cooperation in the treaty?

The enhanced cooperation can make use of the EU institutions, and this one of the reasons we keep it in the EU framework and it must be exercised in compliance with a specific procedure which is set out in article 20 TEU 326-334 TFEU.

WHAT CANT A enchanced cooperation do?

enhanced cooperation must comply with the EU treaties and must not undermine the key principles of EU legislation such as shall not undermine the internal market or economic, social and territorial cohesion; shall not constitute a barrier to or discrimination in trade between MS, nor shall it distort competition between them

Which artic establish eppo?

Art.86 TFEU lid 1

What does joining the union says about the fundamental right ?

art. 2 teu. values like freedom, human dignity and respect for human rights,. art.49 teu says that joing states have to respect the values if they want to join th eu. values are very important in the union all ms ratified the convention on human rights. we are a community of values. Llike i can trust the system of spain or italy

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