CQ 1: Which type of entrepreneurship contributes to economic growth?

19 important questions on CQ 1: Which type of entrepreneurship contributes to economic growth?

What is the selection in the market framework of Fritsch and Mueller (2004)?

- Start-ups or market entries
- Market process (selection)
  1. New capacities: development of new businesses
  2. Exiting capacities: decline or closure of incumbents
  3. Supply-side effects
    • Securing efficiency
    • Acceleration of structural change
    • Amplified innovation
    • Greater variety
  • Improved competitiveness
  • Growth

What are the impact phases of new businesses on employment creation?

  • I: Development of new businesses
    • New capacities (direct effect)
  • II: Decline or closure of incumbents
    • Exiting capacities (displacement effect)
  • III: Securing efficiency (competitiveness)
    • Supply-side effect (induced effect)

Competition (market process) is central for explaining the curve, do you expect stronger (bigger amplitude of the polynomial) or weaker effects in regions with a high level of entrepreneurship? (3)

  • Areas with a high density of economic activity experience more intense competition
  • The higher the level of competition, the stronger the selection of new (relatively efficient) businesses (and decline of inefficient incumbents)
  • Hence, we may expect stronger effects in regions with high levels of entrepreneurship
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What is the impact of new businesses on employment creation?

  • Higher population density =
  • More economic activity =
  • Stronger competition

How can you measure new entrepreneurial activity? (2)

Two approaches, individuals starting a business versus new businesses

  1. Individuals
  2. Businesses

What are 3 caveats of individuals starting a business?

  1. Start-up teams
  2. Portfolio entrepreneurship
  3. (In)formal/ main economic activity?

What are 3 caveats of starting businesses?

  1. Registration thresholds (ease of registration)
  2. Existence in previous period (change of ownership)
  3. Part of other business

How can you measure the start-up rate?

To work out the start-up rate, one needs to establish the numerator (measure of new entrepreneurial activity) and then divide this by the denominator (population)

What is the denominator challenge related to measuring the start-up rate?

Businesses (all/ sector) or individuals (full/ working population)

What is the general challenge related to measuring the start-up rate?

Timing/ periodicity: moment of measurement (many start-ups have a short life)
  • Are you currently setting up a business versus have you started a business in the last X months?

How can the Total early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) be calculated?

TEA = nascent entrepreneurs + new business owners

What are nascent entrepreneurs?

Nascent entrepreneurs are currently trying to start a new business, which they expect to own at least partly and for which salaries, wages or any other payments have not been paid for more than three months yet

What are new business owners?

Owner-managers of new businesses own and manage, alone or with others, an operating business that has paid them salaries or profits during more than three months, but not more than 42 months

What is the relation between level of economic development and TEA? (3)

  • Some critics say the relationship is L-shaped
  • For poor countries: given GDP, any level of TEA is possible
  • For rich countries: given TEA, any level of GDP is possible

What is the main explanation for the U-curve?

Three types of economies, based on stages of economic development:
  1. Factor-driven
  2. Efficiency-driven
  3. Innovation-driven

What is a factor-driven economy?

A low-income economy
  • Economic activity primarily based on the extraction of natural resources
    • Mining
    • Agriculture

What is an efficiency-driven economy?

A middle-income economy
  • Industrialisation and economies of scale are major drivers of economic development

What is an innovation-driven economy?

A high-income economy
  • Expanding services sector, and increasing variety and knowledge intensity of the industrial sector
  • However, economic development often leads to a stronger increase of safe wages than of entrepreneurial income

How should we compare the 'fit' of the models when looking at the lineair shape, the U-shape and L-shape?

Usually we look at the explained variance (R2)
  • Significance of coefficient also relevant for interpretation results

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