CQ 1: How can small businesses attract finance?

11 important questions on CQ 1: How can small businesses attract finance?

What are 4 key differences between finance for large and small businesses?

  1. Limited liability is absent or ineffective
  2. Personal characteristics of entrepreneur important (who may, for instance, be overconfident)
  3. High 'downside risks' associated with business (failure)
  4. 'Informationally' opaque marketplace (not all information is shared)

What is an informationally opaque marketplace? (2)

  • Some information is available to outsiders, but it can be very imperfect
    • Highly developed information 'industry' on large businesses
    • Large businesses more likely to reflect market trends
  • Knowledge about small businesses limited
    • Information can be imperfect (sometimes on purpose)
    • Focus on the entrepreneur

What are the key sources of finance? (3)

Pecking order and bootstrapping:
  • Debt finance
  • Equity finance
  • Crowd funding
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What is asset finance? (2)

  • Leasing
    • ownership of the asset always remains with the owner (lessor) rather than the business (lessee)
  • Hire purchase
    • business owns the asset ('rent-to-own')

What is asset based finance? (3)

  • Factoring
    • selling invoices (sales not yet paid) to a third party (a 'factor') in return for a proportion of the yet unpaid invoices
  • Invoice discounting
    • borrowing against unpaid invoices
  • Stock finance
    • borrowing against the stock a business holds

What are 3 aspects for debt financing?

  1. Evidence on the opacity of the market for small business loans (debt financing)
  2. How banks deal with this opacity
  3. How small businesses deal with this opacity

What are 5 features of opaque markets for loans?

There are good and bad lenders, but it's not clear who's who. Hence:
  1. Need for collateral
  2. Evidence on 'credit constrained' entrepreneurs
  3. Discrimination (e.g. minorities, females)
  4. High interest rates
  5. Better terms for better lenders

What is meant by 'interest rates for small businesses'?

Interest rates partially reflect 'opacity'

What are 3 points of perspectives of banks about debt financing?

  1. Overcoming information asymmetries
  2. Enforcing the entrepreneur to pay back
  3. Limiting failure costs
    • ways to get money back after failure

How can collateral be an imperfect asset? (3)

  • Asset realisation may depend upon economic situation
  • Transaction costs
  • Negative publicity

What are points of perspective of small businesses of debt financing? (5+1)

Small business signals creditworthiness
  • Information
    • business plan
  • Collateral
  • Third party cover
  • Entrepreneurial talent
    • expierence
  • Relationship factor
  • Group lending or mutual guarantee scheme

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