CQ 3: Should governments support small businesses?

8 important questions on CQ 3: Should governments support small businesses?

Should governments support small businesses? (2)

  • General support/ incentives
  • Develop entrepreneurial ecosystems to foster business venturing
    • "The necessary oxygen of resources, incentives, markets and supporting institutions for the creation and growth of new firms"

What is the main finding for 'Example: Unemployment policies'?

No (significant relationship with unemployment rate, only with unemployment benefits!
  • Lowering benefits a good idea?
    • Do these individuals have the skills? (necessity entrepreneurship), is there sufficient local demand?

Strategic direction of policy: what is the segmentation of entrepreneurship policy decided by? (3)

Type of business:
  • Mice
  • Gazelles
  • Elephant
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What are potential market failures for mice? (4)

  • Competition policies in developed economies designed to fight against a lack of competition or unfair practices
    • late payments by large firms to small firms
  • Financial support to help disadvantaged communities to start up
    • loans/ grants
    • refugees
  • Business support services to help young people become aware of the entrepreneurial option and develop their competencies
    • mentoring/ counselling/ information/ signposting
  • Silicon Valley
    • spillover benefits from demonstration/ learning
    • knowledge
    • networks

What are other reasons for supporting mice? (4)

  • Small firms generate new jobs
  • New firms provide innovation, choice and variety to consumers
  • Valuable source of competition
    • replace inefficient businesses and threaten existing business
  • Need a 'pipeline' of start-ups to achieve fast growth firms

What are the main reasons for not supporting mice? (2)

  • Doubts about the 'quality' of jobs: earnings in self-employment relatively low,  long working hours, considerable 'job destruction' amongst small businesses
  • The self-employed are happier with their work than wage-workers but choose self-employment for non-pecuniary reasons: so why should government subsidise people's preferences

What are more reasons for not supporting mice? (4)

  • Many start-ups and small businesses do not innovated; instead they enter easy to enter markets which often face hyper-competition
  • Efficiency of production is relatively low in small firms (family firms)
  • New self-employment is often due to job substitution effects (solo self-employment)
  • Not so efficient for long-term job creation: Shane (2009) shows that it takes 43 new businesses to create just 9 jobs over a 10 year period
    • 'Stop subsidising the formation of the typical start-up and focus on the subset of businesses with growth potential'

What are potential market failures for gazelles? (4)

  • Entrepreneurs lack managerial training
    • they are not prepared to run a large firm
  • Entrepreneurial firms struggle to access appropriate finance (debt/ equity) which makes it difficult for them to grow
  • Firms lack support and assistance in terms of developing networks that can support them
  • Entrepreneurial firms are unaware of potential export opportunities
    • export assistance
    • export guarantees

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