CQ 3: Why is the small business such a good place to exploit your human capital?

8 important questions on CQ 3: Why is the small business such a good place to exploit your human capital?

What are 2 implications for higher returns to formal education?

It seems value enhancing:
  1. To stimulate people with higher levels of formal education to become entrepreneurs
  2. To stimulate people who wish to become entrepreneurs to go to school first

What could be 2 shortcomings of characterising the small business as a bleak house

  1. Direct management control
  2. Poor working conditions

What are 5 possible explanations for higher returns to formal education?

  1. Higher risk premium
  2. Underreporting income
  3. Particular occupations
  4. Different education distribution
  5. Organizational constraints (decision authority)
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What is the 'higher risk premium' explanation for higher returns to formal education?

Higher educated individuals have better outside opportunities, and are more likely to venture into projects with a higher expected risk-return profile

What is the 'underreporting income' explanation for higher returns to formal education?

Some evidence that income underreporting and level of education are related

What is the 'particular occupations' explanation for higher returns to formal education?

Professional workers such as accountants, lawyers, and medical doctors have high earnings and are by definition self-employed

What is the 'different education distribution' explanation for higher returns to formal education?

There is a relation between education and entrance

What is the 'organizational constraints (decision authority)' explanation for higher returns to formal education?

Entrepreneurs can more easily adapt their production processes such that they yield higher returns to their assets

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