Cognitive biases and overcrowded markets

5 important questions on Cognitive biases and overcrowded markets

CQ 1: Why do so many entrepreneurs enter the same market?

Red ocean versus Blue ocean (link with creative destruction)
  • Simultaneous market entry & reference group neglect
  • Individual market entry & overconfidence

CQ 2: Is it problematic when entrepreneurs start with unrealistic expectations? (2)

  • Overcrowded market: low income of entrepreneurs, high failure rate of businesses
  • Entry of many entrepreneurs in the market may also foster competition and learning

CQ 3: Can the market exploit entrepreneurs? (the case of the 'gig economy')

'Forced' entrepreneurship may not be ideal for everyone
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What is a 'gig economy'? (2)

  • In a gig economy, temporary, flexible jobs are commonplace and companies tend toward hiring independent contractors and freelancers instead of full-time employees
  • A gig economy undermines the traditional economy of full-time workers who rarely change positions and instead focus on a lifetime career

What are the perspectives and conclusions of the 'Deliveroo' case?

  • Individual perspective:
    • security versus flexibility
      • pay during heavy snowfall
      • that some riders want
  • Market perspective
    • unfair competition versus efficiency
      • restaurants
      • less downtime
  • Societal perspective
    • Tax revenues versus availability of low-costs services
      • Baumol?

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