CQ 3: What factors constitute self-employment?

13 important questions on CQ 3: What factors constitute self-employment?

What are the 3 economic roles of entrepreneurs?

  1. Neo-classical school
  2. Austrian school
  3. German (or Schumpeterian) school

Each perspective has its merits
  • 'The creation of potential may be seen as Schumpeterian and its realisation as Austrian'

What entails the neo-classical school?

Entrepreneurs lead markets to equilibrium (for given supply and demand) by coordinating production factors

What entails the Austrian school?

Entrepreneurs perceive profit opportunities, and coordinate production factors to fulfil currently unsatisfied needs or to improve market inefficiencies or deficiencies
  • Disequilibrium in the market creates the opportunity, so the entrepreneur is moving the market towards equilibrium
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What entails the German (or Schumpeterian) school?

Entrepreneurs distort market equilibrium ('creative destruction')

What are 3 ideas of Jospeh Schumpeter?

  1. Entrepreneurs as wild spirits, 'Unternehmergeist'
  2. Innovations cause old inventories, ideas, technologies, skills, and equipment to become obsolete
  3. The act of innovating creates new market conditions, so creating disequilibrium in the market ('creative destruction')

What are the 2 Schumpeterian regimes?

  1. Mark 1: Entrepreneurs (small businesses) important (innovation: product/process)
  2. Mark 2: Large businesses (managers) important (research and development)

Who is an entrepreneur according to Schumpeter?

New combinations we call enterprise; the individuals whose function it is to carry them out we call entrepreneurs

What is the difference between occupational and behavioural notion?

  • Occupational notion of entrepreneurship is working on own account and risk
  • Behavioural notion of entrepreneurship is creation and exploitation of new economic opportunities

What is a managerial business owner? (2)

  • Behavioural notion ('nature of work'): Managerial
  • Occupational notion ('labor market status'): Self-employed

Where do small business owners fit in the table? (2)

  • Schumpeterian entrepreneurs are to be found mostly in small firms. They own and direct independent firms that are innovative and creatively destroy existing market structures.
  • After realising their goals Schumpeterians often develop into managerial business owners, but some may again start new ventures of new firms

What 3 factors constitute self-employment?

  1. Distinguishing 'real' self employment (with its associated risks and uncertainties) from abuse of the self-employment status
  2. Tax authorities usually look at 4 dimensions
  3. Classification sometimes a little subjective

What is 'distinguishing real self-employment from abuse of the self-employment status?

To hide 'dependent self-employment': de facto, person acts like a regular employee

What are the 4 dimensions tax authorities usually look at?

  1. Control (decision authority)
  2. Integration (embeddednes in organization)
  3. Economic reality (type of compensation)
  4. Mutuality of obligation (legal requirement to do particular tasks)

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