CQ 3: How can entrepreneurial ecosystems foster small business venturing?

9 important questions on CQ 3: How can entrepreneurial ecosystems foster small business venturing?

What 3 types of entrepreneurship by their social effects does Beaumol (1990) define?

  1. Productive entrepreneurship
  2. Unproductive entrepreneurship
  3. Destructive entrepreneurship

What is 'productive entrepreneurship'? (3)

  • Maximize individual (private) and social benefits
  • Example: Cistercian monks creating and maintaining water mills ('the spearhead of technological advance')
  • Maximixing time available for religious labor, others also profit from mills

What is 'unproductive entrepreneurship'? (3)

  • Maximize individual (private) but not necessarily social benefits
  • Exploiting forms of bureaucracy
  • Example: frivolous litigation; starting lawsuits that, due to their lack of legal merit, have little to no chance of being won
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What is 'destructive entrepreneurship'? (2)

  • Maximize individual benefits by letting society suffer
  • Bribery, corruption, crime

What are the implications of Baumol's typology?

  • Entrepreneurs are always with us: it is just that people shift between productive, unproductive or destructive entrepreneurship depending on the nature of incentives they face
  • 'Rules of the game' are more important (tax incentives, ease of setting up a formal business, culture) than supply of entrepreneurs
    • Entrepreneurs are 'always with us'
    • Policy should focus on 'rules of the game' (Ecosystems)

What is the context of implications of Baumol's typology?

'Rules of the game' important aspect of the 'entrepreneurial ecosystem'

What is 'culture and social norms' in the Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (EFC's)?

The extent to which social and cultural norms encourage or allow actions leading to new business methods or activities than can potentially increase personal wealth and income

What is 'entrepreneurial finance' in the Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (EFC's)?

The availability of financial resources for (SME's) including grants and subsidies

What is 'government policy' in the Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (EFC's)?

The extent to which public policies support entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship as a relevant economic issue
  • Taxes or regulations are either size-neutral or encourage new enterprises and SME's

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