CQ 1: Why do so many entrepreneurs enter the same market?

5 important questions on CQ 1: Why do so many entrepreneurs enter the same market?

What is red ocean strategy? (6)

  • Focus on current customer
  • Compete in existing markets
  • Beat the competition
  • Exploit existing demand
  • Make the value-cost trade-off
  • Align the whole system of a firm's activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost

What is simultaneous market entry? (3)

With some distance, many entries into (new) market are almost simultaneous
  • High probability that several entrepreneurs have the same idea (e.g. because of changing market conditions)
    • "Reference group neglect"
  • "Waves" of new technologies and business models (e.g. Internet boom)
    • Advances in information and communication technologie (ICT)
  • Irreversible specific investments (e.g. R&D) before market entry
    • Shortening product life cycles

What are market entry strategies?

Can we find an optimal market entry strategy, that takes into account behaviour of possible market entrants?
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What is the market entry game?

  • N-player games where each player faces a choice between entering a market and staying out
  • Should you enter or stay out, given what you know about payoffs in the market?

What are the conclusions of the market entry game? (2)

  • Market entry often 'simultaneous situation' with no coordination
    • pure/mixed strategy equilibria describe the average behaviour of people in market entry games pretty well
    • the number of real-world business start-ups typically exceeds market capacity
  • Overconfidence (in one's skills) may influence perceptions about (relative) pay-off, which may result in excess market entry
    • could be one reason for relatively low income of entrepreneurs
    • could be one reason for relatively high failure rate of businesses

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