CQ 1: Why do some persons start a business and others not?
11 important questions on CQ 1: Why do some persons start a business and others not?
What are 4 stylised features of the labour market approach?
- Focus on the individual (not the business)
- Focus on outcomes (choices), rather than the process (how)
- Choice of employment status
- Self-employment
- Paid employment
- Unemployment
- Not active
- retirement
- Focus on relative utility of one employment state over another
- Utility depends on personal characteristics and circumstances
- social norms
- state of economy
What is the population perspective?
What are 3 occupational choice models?
- Simple static model
- Lucas model
- Lazear ("Jack-of-all-trades") model
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What is the implication of the 'simple static model'?
What is the implication of the 'Lucas model'?
What are 2 implications of the 'Lazear ('Jack-of-all-trades') model'?
- Individuals with more balanced skill sets are more likely to become entrepreneurs
- Entrepreneurship is less prevalent in sectors that require a higher number of independent skills
What 3 aspects are related to the 'simple static model'?
- Economy without risk
- Homogeneous agents
- Entering the market
- depends on w & pi
What 2 aspects does 'simple static model: economy without risk' have?
- Returns for entrepreneurs (output - costs): pi = q - c
- Wage of employee: w
What aspect does 'simple static model: homogeneous agents' have?
What 2 aspects does 'simple static model: entering the market' have?
- Market repsons
- laws of supply and demand
- Equilibrium (w = pi)
What is the 'superstars explanation'? (2)
- Standard deviation SE > Standard deviation PE
- Mean SE > Median SE
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