CQ 1: Why do some persons start a business and others not?

11 important questions on CQ 1: Why do some persons start a business and others not?

What are 4 stylised features of the labour market approach?

  • Focus on the individual (not the business)
  • Focus on outcomes (choices), rather than the process (how)
  • Choice of employment status
    • Self-employment
    • Paid employment
    • Unemployment
    • Not active
      1. retirement
  • Focus on relative utility of one employment state over another
    • Utility depends on personal characteristics and circumstances
      1. social norms
      2. state of economy

What is the population perspective?

Occupational choice models enable prediction about optimal individual behaviour and the resulting consequences for the labor market and the economy

What are 3 occupational choice models?

  1. Simple static model
  2. Lucas model
  3. Lazear ("Jack-of-all-trades") model
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What is the implication of the 'simple static model'?

Individuals care for more than money alone when choosing their occupation

What is the implication of the 'Lucas model'?

Level of 'entrepreneurial ability' in a country determinant of optimal level of entrepreneurship in a country

What are 2 implications of the 'Lazear ('Jack-of-all-trades') model'?

  1. Individuals with more balanced skill sets are more likely to become entrepreneurs
  2. Entrepreneurship is less prevalent in sectors that require a higher number of independent skills

What 3 aspects are related to the 'simple static model'?

  • Economy without risk
  • Homogeneous agents
  • Entering the market
    • depends on w & pi

What 2 aspects does 'simple static model: economy without risk' have?

  • Returns for entrepreneurs (output - costs): pi = q - c
  • Wage of employee: w

What aspect does 'simple static model: homogeneous agents' have?

Equal productivity, equal q, c & w

What 2 aspects does 'simple static model: entering the market' have?

  • Market repsons
    • laws of supply and demand
  • Equilibrium (w = pi)

What is the 'superstars explanation'? (2)

  • Standard deviation SE > Standard deviation PE
  • Mean SE > Median SE

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