CQ 3: What types of uncertainty do small businesses face?

15 important questions on CQ 3: What types of uncertainty do small businesses face?

What 5 things do SB owners not know to do?

  1. They buy less machinery
  2. They work with temporary workers
  3. They do not give permanent contracts
  4. They delay investments
  5. They make decisions despite 'uncertainty'

What types of uncertainty do small business face? (2)

  • External uncertainty: owners of small businesses can limit such uncertainty by 'managing by walking around' but are more likely to face a challenging environment (alignment strategy by involving workforce)
  • Internal uncertainty: managers of large businesses more likely to face difficulty of translating their 'vision' of the business to their employees

What are the 3 dimensions of external uncertainty?

  1. Market uncertainty
  2. Customer uncertainty
  3. Aspirational uncertainty
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What are the 3 factors of market uncertainty?

  1. A key difference between LB and SB is market power: the small businesses more likely to be a price taker than a price maker
  2. Concentration in particular (easy to get into) sectors
  3. Response: cut down costs everywhere and focus on 'niche' advantages

What are 3 expressions of the market power (LB versus SB)?

  1. Perfect competition versus monopoly
  2. Price is beyond control
  3. Usually a limited number of customers

What does 'concentration in particular (easy to get into) sectors' mean?

Little economies of scale and fierce competition
  • Hair dressers
  • Window cleaners
  • ICT consultancy

What entails the 'response' on market uncertainty?

Above average earnings (for some time)
  • Specialist
  • Timely or geographical advantages

What are 2 factors of customer uncertainty?

  1. Entrepreneurs are uncertain about their revenues
  2. Respons: certainty versus profitability

What does 'entrepreneurs are uncertain about their revenues' mean? (3)

  • Compare wages of employees
  • Quantity is beyond control
  • 1 new/leaving customer usually makes a big difference

What entails the 'response' on customer uncertainty? (2)

  • Subcontracting (stability/specificity)
  • Analogy: solo self-employment 'own-account worker' (ZZP)

What is the factor of aspirational uncertainty?

Huge diversity of motivations for setting up and running a business
  • To earn an income, to provide for a family, to grow the business
  • No external party that sets the goal for you
  • So you can't assume SB is profit maximizer
  • Differences in aspirations greater if we include those with more than one business (portfolio entrepreneurs) or business run by a team

What are the 5 approaches SME's take to deal with external uncertainty?

  1. Focus on niche - to gain local market power
  2. Focus on short-term survival and growth (not on long-term benefits, training)
  3. Invest less heavily in equipment, machinery
  4. Register as a limited company, this may protect the personal assets of the entrepreneur
  5. Establish a portfolio of businesses, this spreads the risk faced by the small business owner

What are 3 stylised differences between large and small businesses?

  1. Internal organization
  2. Market power
  3. Risk of failure

What entails internal organization? (2)

  • Informal versus formal (hierarchy)
  • In SME less focus needed on internal uncertainty reduction

What entails risk of failure? (2)

  • High versus low
  • No news if SME fails or if in trouble

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