CQ 1: Why is 'Knightian uncertainty' a necessary but not a sufficient condition for entrepreneurship?

4 important questions on CQ 1: Why is 'Knightian uncertainty' a necessary but not a sufficient condition for entrepreneurship?

What is the traditional interpretation of the neo-classical model? (3)

  1. All economics agents have perfect information
  2. Economic objectives are clearly and rationally stated
  3. All markets are cleared at the set of equilibrium prices

Why can't entrepreneurs be more than simply a manager in a neo-classical approach system? (2)

  • Coordinator of production resources
  • No need for innovative alertness and risk bearing initiatives

Reality, however, does not consist of well-defined problems alone

What is Frank Knights 'risk versus uncertainty'?

  • Risk: possible outcomes are known, as are their probabilities of occurring
  • Uncertainty: outcomes and/or probabilities are unknown
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Why do entrepreneurs exploit arbitrage in the presence of Knightian uncertainty? (4)

  • Necessary, but not a sufficient condition
  • Identifying an opportunity?
    • Information/ Perceptions
  • 'Real' opportunity
    • Costs/ Finance
  • Willingness
    • Circumstances/ Personality

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