CQ 2: How can small businesses signal their credit worthiness?

10 important questions on CQ 2: How can small businesses signal their credit worthiness?

What are some advantages of group lending? (2)

  • Potentially solves problems for low wealth borrowers
  • Reduces moral hazard (trust)

What does succes depend on in group lending? (4)

  • Peer selection
    • expulsion harmful for the group
  • Peer monitoring
  • Peer pressure
  • Social capital
    • community ties

What are 3 points of equity finance?

  • Equity is the ownership of a business
    • normally in the form of shares
  • Equity finance: money is return for part of the ownership
    • with a loan you keep the ownership, but you have to repay the loan with interest
  • Providers of equity finance are normally referred to as venture capitalists (VC's)
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What are 3 points of venture capital?

  • Difference between venture capital and private equity
    • venture capital for young business with growth potential (our focus)
    • private equity for established firms (not our focus)
  • Formal and informal venture capitalists
    • VC firms (formal)
    • business angels (informal)
  • General aim of venture capitalists: purchase shares in growth firm that can be sold later for better price (temporal arbitrage, but uncertainty is large!)
    • dividends or other income from the shares less/not important

What are 2 points for 'clearing the market'?

  • Valuation very difficult - principally dependent on net present value
    • predicting future difficult, particularly for new and small businesses
    • X% of the business for price Y
  • Presence of exit routes is important for buyer
    • trade sales (selling shares to other business)
    • initial public offering (IPO)

What are the the 3 components of the structure of VC funds?

  • Year 1-3: selecting businesses
  • Year 4-8: co-working to let the business grow
  • Year 9-10: selling the business

What is the main problem the VC funds faces: Adverse selection?

  • Adverse selection
    • Picking the wrong business in which to invest (they do not grow after receiving funding)
    • Businesses in need of money (and doubt about success) more likely to seek VC funding
  • Strategies to tackle adverse selection
    • due diligence: spend considerable amount of time to investigate the market and the entrepreneur's track record (VC funds often specialise in particular sectors)
    • syndication: syndicate the deal with other so that risk is shared

What is the main problem the VC funds faces: Moral hazard?

  • Moral hazard
    • the businesses, once they receive the money, feel that they do not need to grow
  • Strategies to tackle moral hazards
    • monitoring: appoint a non-executive director
    • staging: invest funds in stages so that additional funding reflects performance
    • legal contract: enumerate managers/entrepreneurs via share options rather than salary (share options only accumulate value over time)

What are 4 advantages of equity finance form the perspective of the entrepreneur?

  • No interest payments
    • also: money is patient; VC doesn't want to see immediate returns
  • Overcoming difficulties in accessing other funding
    • because of intangible assets
  • Leverage other borrowing
  • VC provides support

What are 3 disadvantages of equity finance form the perspective of the entrepreneur?

  • Loss of ownership
  • Loss of control (economic/ psychological) and 'free rider' problem
  • Push towards selling/ IPO

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