Politics and power - complexity and change
6 important questions on Politics and power - complexity and change
One of the most visible aspects of social and cultural change in the period since the Second World War
Godfrey Wilson (1941–42) introduces the term de-tribalisation. What is detribalisation?
''Many contemporary anthropological studies are, moreover, multi-sited'' What do they mean by this?
to gain a full picture of the life-worlds of one’s transnational informants, one has to do fieldwork in two or several locations.
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In urban anthropology, it is impossible to find out everything about everybody, due to the complexity and size of the societies concerned. Name 4 ways of approaching this problem
2. Focusing on a strictly delineated topic (the downward mobility of parts of the North American middle class in the 1980s)
3. restricted topic and a delineated physical field (study of crack dealers in New York)
4. single out a small group in a complex society (Iranian women in the Netherlands and California)
Medical anthropology is a growing sub-discipline dealing with three types of bodies. Name these three
1. The personal
2. The social
3. The political
Reasons why anthropology may be regarded as an inherently conservative discipline, Social and cultural anthropology have always..
o Emphasised the study of interrelationships and sociocultural wholes
o Insisted on an attitude of cultural relativism → any society or culture can only be understood in its own terms
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