Understanding Social Network Research - Major concepts in social network research - Orienting concepts
6 important questions on Understanding Social Network Research - Major concepts in social network research - Orienting concepts
What does the embeddedness argument say?
Work-related transactions tend to overlap with patterns of social relations, thus business is embedded in social networks and patterns of transactions within and between firms may depart from what might be expected from an economic perspective. People may prefer to do business with people they know rather than find exchange partners in the open market.
-> Therefore the path of advancement may be embedded in social relationships.
Define social capital at the individual level.
The potential resources inherent in an actor's set of social ties.
Define social capital at the group (collective) level
The benefits that accrue to the collectivity as a result of the maintenance of positive relations between different groups organizational units or hierarchical levels.
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How can individual actors increase their social capital?
By connecting two otherwise disconnected cliques, performing the liaison role.
What does structural-hole research do?
It focuses attention on the importance of these liaison and bridging ties. According to this perspective, actors can leverage their investments in social relations by establishing relations with a diverse set of groups (preferably groups that are not connected to each other).
What are the characteristics of entrepreneurial, clique and hierarchical networks or what is the difference between them?
text-decorationEntrepreneurial networks: Tend to be rich in structural holes. Low density of connection among the contacts
text-decorationClique networks: Tend to be constrained in the sense that the individual's contacts were themselves connected to each other.
text-decorationHierarchical networks: Tend to be the same size as clique networks, but with a low density, with many of reported ties branching out from one or a few people.
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