Attraction - Physical Attractiveness
4 important questions on Attraction - Physical Attractiveness
Early effects of attractiveness
Attractive infants receive more attention from mothers than less attractive babies
Misbehavior by attractive children seen as less problematic
3 months children prefer attractive adult and child faces over less attractive faces
Why does physical attractiveness have such impact?
Immediacy: Physical appearances are the first thing we notice when encountering other people.
Prestige: Physical attractiveness is socially valued
Biology: Responses to physical attractiveness may serve biological purposes
Gender Differences in Mate Selection
Evolutionary perspectives argue that males and females seek different characteristics in potential mates
- Males and females play different roles in reproduction
- Different offspring investment
- The biological cost of reproductive cells
Throughout the animal kingdom, investment in offspring drives how selective animals are when choosing mates
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Critique of Evolutionary Perspectives
Evidence that men and women have different preferences for potential mates may also be due to social factors
Differences may be due to norms and not to evolutionary drives
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