Relationships - Different Ways of Relating to Others
3 important questions on Relationships - Different Ways of Relating to Others
Two types of relationships
- Communal relationship
- Exchange relationship
Power and hierarchical relationships
What is power?
- Power: the ability to control our own outcomes and those of others; the freedom to act
- Status: the outcome of an evaluation of attributes that produces differences in respect and prominence, which in part determines an individual's power within a group
- Authority: power that derives from institutionalized roles or arrangements.
- Dominance: Behavior that has the acquisition or demonstration of power as it's goal.
Where does it come from?
- Authority
- Expertise
- Coercion
- Rewards
Approach/inhibition theory
A theory that states that higher-power individuals are inclined to go after their goals and make quick judgments, whereas low-power individuals are more likely to constrain their behavior and attend to others carefully.
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