Theories on economic growth

8 important questions on Theories on economic growth

Compare the internal and external explanations of development and stagnation. Is the use of the term less developed associated with internal or external explanations of the situation of development?

-Internal approaches: factors within a society which promote or hinder development
oThe continuation of a traditional economy alongside the modern enclave
oIssues within a country e.g. backwardness (laws and culture)
-External approaches: to explain situation of developing countries by referencing to negative influences from the advanced economies

How do economic theories of imperialism explain economic stagnation in developing countries?

-Lack of investment opportunities in advanced countries and search for new investment possibilities in colonies.

Discuss the concept of dualism. Why is dualism an obstacle to development?

Economies and societies in developing countries are characterised by dualism: existence side by side of a modern and a traditional sector.
- Modern societies: technologically developed, commercialised, urban centres
- Traditional: low productivity, traditional technologies, rural
Dualism is created by external economic and political penetration and exploitation

Problem of dualism is the economic and social gap between the modern and traditional sector

Underdevelopment view: dualistic structure of developing economies was not only the consequence of Western penetration in the past but remains due to relationships with the rich Western countries today.
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What are the potential advantages of backwardness?

- Rapid growth and catch-up of latecomer countries who copy and take over technologies developed elsewhere.
oWithout bearing the full cost of R&D and development.
oThis creates potential for accelerated growth.
-The advantages that developing countries can have from technologies developed in advanced economies depends on their social capabilities.

How do North and Thomas define efficient institutions? Give examples of institutions which are considered to be efficient.

-Efficient institutions motivate self-interested individuals to act in ways that contribute to collective welfare.
oWell-defined property rights guarantee that individuals will profit from their own work.
oThis went hand in hand with increasing importance of state interventions which prevents free ridership

1.Discuss the characteristics of dependent development, as emphasised by dependency theorists.

-Underdevelopment/dependency theory: low level of development in developing countries is the result of active negative influences from outside.
Prosperity in the rich countries is the result of exploitation of developing countries. Poverty in developing countries is the result of such exploitations. Characteristics:
-  Importance of export of primary commodities 
- Surpluses are sent back abroad
- Dependence on imports of manufactured goods
- Dependence on imports of intermediate goods, capital goods and technology
- Modern sector of economy is dominated by foreign firms and TNC’s
- Dependence is not limited to economic sphere, also political, cultural relations of dependence.

How do structuralist explanations of development differ from those of liberal and neoclassical theories?

-Theories of unequal exchange: participation of developing countries in the international trade has a harmful impact on the economic development. Because:
- Developing countries mainly export primary products, demand for primary products will not experience high growth
- The abundance of cheap labour in poor countries will limit technological advancements

They argue a development strategy where developing countries are less dependent on international trade.

- Substitution strategy: protect domestic industrial sector to replace imports

Discuss the theoretical and empirical relationships between growth and inequality.

Poor people consume most of their incomes while rich people can save part of their income -> inequality
- Higher saving rates contribute to growth of per capita incomes
Overall, growth of per capita incomes reduces poverty, but distributive policies might be needed.

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