History of economy

4 important questions on History of economy

Why did Chines development stagnate from the 14th century onwards, in spite of initial conditions which seemed so promising?

-There was no consensus regarding the benefits of external expansion. In the Chinese world view China was the centre of the world, and the Chinese empire already contained everything of importance in the world.
-Shortage of labour, which hindered economic development.
-Imperial overstretch: maintenance of an empire involves high military and  administrative costs.

Discuss the differences between colonies of settlement and colonies of occupation.

Colonies of settlement.
- Pure settlement colonies: original habitants were destroyed by immigrants form Europe
- Mixed colonies: Minority of Europeans settled in the colony, trying to absorb the local population    
- Plantation colonies: tiny minority of Europeans settled permanently, they imported slave labour form elsewhere in order to establish a plantation economy
Colonies of occupation. An extremely small elite of foreign officials sent out to rule over native inhabitants, with different language and culture

What were the characteristics of the international division of labour between rich countries and poor countries which evolved in the period 1870-1913

-Free trade became the predominant characteristic of the international economic order. Trade between rich and poor was one sided
-The economic relations between rich countries and developing countries intensified.
- Population growth in rich counties -> higher demand for export of primary products for developing countries
-Western influences were felt everywhere
-Large migration flows established new relationships between the various parts of the world and led to drastic changes in the structure of populations.
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What lessons can sub-Saharan African countries derive form the post-war experiences of the East Asian countries?

-Modernization theorists: breaking though the traditional structures, attitudes and institutions that hamper development is necessary.
oAdvanced countries can help by providing education, information and financial means for investment
-Developing countries can’t pursue the same path as rich countries. Due to underdevelopment, which can only be solved by liberating themselves from the world economy and finding their own paths of development (Marxist).
-Different conditions of development calls for different development paths, strategies and policies.
oLessons can be learned from past experiences, but have to be adapted to new conditions

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