Irish Parliament
17 important questions on Irish Parliament
The 'Oireachtas' Is the name given to the Irish parliament. It's the legislature branch of the government, which makes laws. What 3 components make up the Oireactas?
- Dáil
- Seanad
- President
Dáil Eireann is 1 of 3 components of the Oireactas. TDs are members of the Dáil, but how many TDs are there?
In making laws, the Oireachtas (legislature branch of the government) needs some guidance. What's the name of the 'thing' that sets out the terminology & functions of the Oireachtas in order to guide the law making process?
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In order for laws to be made by the Oireachtas, Government Departments must first prepare the bill. They must:
- Carry out a consultation with interested parties
- Prepare proposals for debate
The Departments use different coloured paper for each of the actions above...what colour paper is used for action#1 & action #2?
- Green
- White
The President must sign off on laws before they can be implemented into policy. In what stages of passing a bill can changes / amendments to a proposed law be made
- 1
- 2
- 3
The third stage of passing a bill is referred to as the 'committee stage'. Here, the bill is examined (section by section) by Dáil committees.
On the Dáil committee, there are:
- TDs from ________ parties
- TDs from _________ parties
- Members of the ___________, who have limited rights
- Government
- Opposition
- Seanad
Which component of the Oireachtas must approve a 'bill' before the act is signed by the President & becomes law?
After a referendum, popular sovereignty is essentially transferred from the population to an assembly of representatives ie. Dáil Eireann. What is the term given to describe this type of Democracy?
As Ireland began to engage in deliberative democracy, the Citizens Assembly was set up in 2016. What was the first issue that the Assembly addressed in the constitution?
Both abortion & gay marriage were passed in law. In reference to the way the referendums addressing these laws were carried out, what type of democracy was exercised?
The President is the 'Guardian of the Constitution' in the way that he/she signs bills into law. However, if the President is not happy with a proposed bill, he/she can refer the bill to the ________ court
The Seanad in a component of the Oireachtas, along with the Dáil & the President. It's made up of 60 members...
- ____ Trinity graduates
- 3 ________ graduates
- _________ members elected by the limited ______________ (TDs, existing senators, local councilors)
- 11 elected by the ___________
- 3
- 43 ; electorate
- Taoiseach
One of the important powers of the Seanad is that it can approve bills they're signed by the President. In this way, the Seanad also has the power to ________ bills by up to 90 days
Joint Oireachtas Committees are central in strengthening the Irish Parliament. They're made up of ______ members:
- _____ members from the Seanad
- ____ to ___ Government majority TDs
- The rest _________ _____
- 4
- 5 ; 6
- Opposition TDs
Joint Oireachtas Committees are central to the reform of the Dáil. They've the power tol hold hearings between the ______ & ______ , & they receive submissions & presentations from the public, interest groups, as well as Government Departments
During the current pandemic, the government have had to work off a budget deficit. It's essential that there are 'outside agents' in order to help the Government perform it's best, financially. What's the name of the committee that scrutinizes Government Expenditure?
The Dáil is sometimes referred to as a 'puny parliament'. This is because the roles set out for different branches of government appear to be contradicting.
Despite the legislature having the role of making laws, the legislature branch is ______, & the executive branch is ________.
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