What is Sociology - Thinking Critically

3 important questions on What is Sociology - Thinking Critically

What is the two main points of the version of functionalism proposed by Robert K. Merton (1910-2003)?

  • Distinguishing between manifest and latent functions.
    • Manifest functions are the function an action has that are known to, and intended by, the participants.
    • Latent functions are consequences of that activity of which participants are unaware.
  • Distinguishing between functions and dysfunctions.
    • When you look for dysfunctional aspects of social behaviour, you look for the features of social life that challenge the existing order of things.

What is the main idea of conflict theories?

  • Sociologists using conflict theories emphasize the importance of social structures, in making a 'model' to explain how society works.
  • Highlights the importance of social divisions, concentrate of issues of power and inequality.
  • Classic Conflict Theorist: Karl Marx.
    • But feminism is also a form of conflict theory.

What is the difference between microsociology and macrosociology?

  • Microsociology is the study of everyday behaviour in situations of face-to-face interaction.
  • Macrosociology analyses large-scale structures and long-term processes of change.

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