Globalization and Social Change - Globalization - Structuring the globalization debate

4 important questions on Globalization and Social Change - Globalization - Structuring the globalization debate

What are the three broad waves of globalization in sociology?

  • Hyperglobalizers.
  • Sceptics.
  • Transformationalists.

What is the hyperglobalizers' view of globalization?

A process that is leading to a 'borderless word' and produces a new global order, where market forces are more powerful than national governments.

How do the 'Sceptics' view globalization?

  • They view that globalization is overstated, because their is insufficient integration to constitute a single, global economy.
  • This view is substantiated by regionalization, which made the world less global in its geographical scope than a century ago.
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How do the 'Transformationalists' view globalization?

  • Their view is in between that of the hyperglobalizers and the sceptics.
  • They state that we no longer live in a state-centric world, but states are adopting a more outward-looking stance towards governance under complex conditions of globalization.

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