Globalization and Social Change - The Transformation of societies - Classifying the world's societies

8 important questions on Globalization and Social Change - The Transformation of societies - Classifying the world's societies

After the Second World War, academic studies widely used the three worlds model to categorize countries in the world.
Which 3 worlds does this model entail?

  • Frist world, industrialized capitalist countries.
  • Second world, communist countries in Europe.
  • Third world, non-industrial countries with low average incomes.

What is the difference between developed countries and developing countries?

  • Developed countries:
    • Undergone industrialization process.
    • High levels of GDP per capita.
  • Developing countries.
    • Exploited and underdeveloped by colonial regimes.
    • Less industrialized.
    • lower levels of GDP per capita.

What is the benefit for sociologist of dividing countries into developed and developing countries?

It allows for international comparisons and facilitates interventions to improve circumstances for people in developing countries.
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Which countries are marked as 'newly industrializing countries?

Developing countries that have successfully achieved a rapid industrialization.

What is the Human Development Index?

An Index, made by the United Nations, that serves as the basis for assessing the general condition of countries around the world.

The HDI divides countries into four development categories.
Which four categories does the HDI have?

  • Very high human development.
  • High human development.
  • Medium human development.
  • Low human development.

Which 3 variables are combined to determine the Human Development Index of the UN?

  • National life expectancy at birth.
  • Years of schooling.
  • GNI per capita.

What is the majority/minority world contrast?

It shows the contrast of:
  • A majority of the world's population that still lives in developing countries and,
  • A minority of the world's population that has a majority of the global wealth. 

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