Global inequality - Development theories and their critics

6 important questions on Global inequality - Development theories and their critics

What are the five most important groups of theories regarding global inequality?

  • Dependency theories.
  • Market-oriented theories.
  • State-centred theories.
  • World-systems theories.
  • Post-development theories.

What is the take of state-centred theories on inequality?

Approppriate government policies don't interfere negatively with economic development but, rather, can play a key role in bringing it about.

How do post-development theorists look at global inequality?

It challenges the Western-centric approaches to development and looks for  alternatives to development, as conventionally defined,
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What are the two most pervasive critiques on post-development theorists?

  • By outright criticizing modern, scientific development perspectives, the latter's genuinely progressive aspects will aso be rejected.
  • By outright rejecting modernity, you give patriarchal local elites and anti-democratic fundamentalists room to become politically powerful.

What is the view of Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen on global inequality?

Individual freedom needs to become a social commitment in order to bridge the divide between structure and agency and give a new direction to the process of development.

What are the two contrasting scenarios for the influence of rapid globalization on inequality?

  • Global corporations dominate the global economy, leading to a general levelling out of average income around the world, but at a lower level than the current levels of developed countries.
  • The benefits of modern technology stimulate worldwide economic growth and give greater opportunities for everyone.

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