Social interaction and Daily Life - Studying the micro level

5 important questions on Social interaction and Daily Life - Studying the micro level

When people walk through a crowded shopping centre they are probably demonstrating what Erving Goffman calls civil inattention.
What does Goffman mean by civil inattention?

  • Although each individual indicates recognition of other pedestrians, the former avoids any gesture that might be seen intrusive or hostile.
    • I.e., we almost unconsciously avoid direct contact by quickly looking away after we glanced someone passing by.
  • NOT the same as ignoring others, it's not to be rude, rather to be polite.

How is 'social interaction' described by Dennis and colleagues (2013)?

The actions and responses of people towards each other's actions.

As discussed in chapter 3, what is phenomenlogy.

  • It tries to understand our routines and taken-for-granted interpretations to make sense of ourselves in the world and looks at how these are reproduced in interactions with others.
    • Microsociology.
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Why is Microsociology a vital part of sociology (3 reasons)?

  • Our daily routines and interaction structure much of our lives.
  • Our social reality is shaped through how we repeat/reproduce or creatively change these routines and interactions.
  • Social institutions and social life is constructed through a myriad of social interactions.
    • I.e., by understanding the small interactions we find the underlaying structure of the larger institutions and society.

Can you describe what the study of microsociology entails?

The study of all small social interactions and how individuals make sense of themselves in the world.

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