Global inequality - Unequal life chances

4 important questions on Global inequality - Unequal life chances

People in high-income countries are generally healthier than their counterparts in low-income countries. What are the biggest issues that low-income countries face that are detrimental to the population's health?

  • They often lack inadequate health facilities.
  • They greater risk of contracting infectious diseases, because they lack proper sanitation and put up with polluted water.
  • They are more likely to suffer from malnourishment, starvation and famine.

How is the term 'hunger' defined by the United Nations World Food Programme (2001)?

An adult who has to live from a diet of 1,800 calories per day, which is insufficient to stay healthy.

What are the two main reasons for disparities in education between countries?

Low countries have:
  • relatively low levels of education spending.
  • a significant gender gap in primary-school enrolment.
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The vast majority of the world’s child labourers are not toiling in factories and sweatshops. What is the definition of a sweatshop?

A cramped workshop where manual workers do long hours for very low pay, often with employers breaking labour laws.

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