Globalization and Social Change - Early societies and civilizations

7 important questions on Globalization and Social Change - Early societies and civilizations

Describe the four types of pre-modern human societies:

  • Hunting and Gathering societies.
  • Agrarian societies.
  • Pastoral societies.
  • Traditional societies or civilizations.

How would you describe a Hunter-Gatherers society?

  • Pre-Modern human society
  • 50,000 BCE - present day, but today on the verge of disappearance.
  • Small numbers gaining a livelihood from hunting, fishing and gathering edible plants.
  • Few inequalities, differences in rank limited by age and gender.

How would you describe Agrarian societies?

  • Pre-Modern human society.
  • 12,000 BCE - present, but today losing their distinct identity, because they're part of larger political entities.
  • Small rural communities without towns/cities that gain a livelihood through agriculture, often supplementing by hunting and gathering.
  • More inequality than Hunting/gathering, ruled by chiefs.
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What are the characteristics of a Pastoral society?

  • Pre-Modern society.
  • 12,000 BCE - present, but today mostly part of larger states as traditional ways of life are being undermined.
  • Few hundred people to many thousands, gaining a livelihood by tending domesticated animals.
  • Distinct inequalities, ruled by chiefs or warrior kings.

What are the characteristics of the pre-Modern societies we call 'traditional societies or civilizations?'

  • 6,000 BCE- 19th century.
  • Large population where some cities exist, in which trade and manufacture are concentrated, but the majority works in agriculture.
  • Major inequalities between different classes, distinct government apparatus headed by a king or emperor.

When do we describe a society as a civilization?

  • When a society is based on the development of cities, where they used writing, science and art flourished.

Most traditional civilizations were also empires.
When can we describe a civilization as an empire?

  • When a traditional civilization expanded through the conquest and incorporation of other peoples.

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