Stratification and Social Class - Systems of stratification

6 important questions on Stratification and Social Class - Systems of stratification

Which four systems of stratification can we distinguish?

  • Slavery.
  • Caste.
  • Estates.
  • Class.

Can you explain the concept of social stratification and explain why it is used in sociology?

  • Social stratification is the division of people into different groups, or 'strata,' that consist in a hierarchy, with more favoured groups at the top and less privileged at nearer the bottom.
  • Stratification is often based on assets or property, but can be based on other attributes as well.
    • I.e., gender, age, religion or military rank.

Which three characteristics do all socially stratified systems share?

  • Division into groups is based on common traits/characteristics such as gender, wealth, and ethnicity.
    • Only based on these common traits not on personality, individuals within a group might not interact with each other, or even identify with each other.
  • Life experiences and opportunities depend on the hierarchical ranking of their group.
  • The ranks of the groups, or social categories, tend to change only slowly.
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The purity within a caste, in a caste system, is maintained by endogamy.
Can you explain what the definition of endogamy is?

Marriage within the same social group is a required custom or law.

In feudal systems, such as in medieval Europe, estates were closely bound up with the manorial community.
What is a manorial community?

A community where the stratification system is not formed national, but locally.

Social class systems differ from all other stratification systems in four main respects.
Which four respects are that?

  • Class systems are fluid.
  • class positions are (partially) achieved.
  • Class is economically based.
  • Class systems are large scale and impersonal.
    • No duty/obligation from one class to another.

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