Development theories and their critics - Theories of development

4 important questions on Development theories and their critics - Theories of development

Can you explain the theory by, economic adviser to John F. Kennedy and influential economic theorist, Walt Rostow (1916-2003), known as modernization theory?

Low-income societies have to give up their traditional ways and adopt modern economic institutions, technologies and cultural values, which emphasize savings and productive investment, if they want to develop.

How do we call the group of theories that modernization theory, by Walt Rostow (1916-2003), is a part of?

Market-oriented theories.

According to Walt Rostow (1916-2003) and many other modernization theorists, a significant reason or problem hindering the development of low-income countries into industrial societies is fatalism. What is a fatalistic value system?

A value system that views hardship and suffering as an unavoidable part of normal life.
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Walt Rostow, adviser to JFK and economic theorist, saw economic growth as moving through several stages, which he likened to the journey of an aeroplane.
What is the name of the model that reflects this idea?

The Rustovian take-off model.

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