South Africa, a developing country - slow population growth
6 important questions on South Africa, a developing country - slow population growth
In poor the birth rate is higher (20-40) than in western countries (10-15)
Give reasons for the high birth rate?
- not enough money/knowledge birth control (family planning)
- children can work and look after their parents when they get old
- religious reasons ( some religious are against family planning)
What is the connection between poverty and population growth?
Give two reason for the low population growth in south Africa when you compare it two the rest of Africa?
2. A lot of people die of AIDS
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Why is there so much AIDS in Africa?
2. Many sexual partners
Name one demographic and one economic consequence of the AIDS epidemic?
- demographic: population growth is falling
- economic: loss of the working population (most AIDS/HIV ictims are between 15 and 49)
People in South Africa can get free medication free medication for AIDS (AIDS blockers), but many still die of the disease. Think of three reasons for this?
2.Poor healthcare system (doesn't reach everyone)
3. African people are shamed of AIDS/HIV
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