
8 important questions on Paragraph

What are Concentrated loads?

When the area of load transmitted is small, relative to the dimensions.
- Point load: F in Newton
- Moments: M in Nm

What are Distributed loads?

When the area of the transmitted load is large, relative to the dimensions
- Distributed line load: q in N/m (force/length)
- Distributed plane load: p in N/m^2 (force/area)

When is the structure considered to be in equilibrium?

If the three degrees of freedom are prevented for a 2-dimensional structure, the structure is fixed in position.
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What are the three conditions for an equilibrium of 2-dimensional structures?

- sum of the forces in x-direction is zero: ΣFx = 0
- sum of the forces in z-direction is zero: ΣFz = 0
- sum of the moments about the y-axis or any arbitrary line, parallel to the y-axis is zero (or about a line, perpendicular to the plane of drawing) ΣMline // y-axis = 0

What comes from the external equilibrium of the structure?

The magnitude of the support forces of the structure

What are examples of lateral forces?

- Wind loads
- Earthquake
- Pressure

What are the internal force types that can occur in a structure?

Normal force, shear force, bending and torsion

What are cross-sectional forces?

Quantities that act in the cross-section of the cut

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