Nonparametic statistics

10 important questions on Nonparametic statistics

How do we call the category of methods for comparing treatments without assuming a normal distribution for the response variable in the population?

nonparametric statistical methods.

How do you get numbers to perform a wilcoxon nonparametric test for comparing groups?

  • take two independent groups
  • create a table of all possible ranking combinations between participants
  • take the mean ranking for each group on each combination
  • for each combination, take the mean difference between groups
  • create a sampling distribution with x-axis mean differences per combination, y-axis is probability of occurring
  • then make the actual ranking of the participants and take the mean ranking dofference between groups.

How do you get to a conclusion using the wilcoxon nonparamtric test for comparing groups?

  • make assumptions
  • H0: identical population distributions, so equal expected values for sample mean differences
  • H1: different values for sample mean differences, or higher sample mean differences
  • test statistic: difference in sample mean ranking.
  • p-value: sum of prob. of difference in sample means and all differnces in sample means above that.
  • conclusion.
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How can you use the wilcoxon nonparametric test with sums of ranks?

  • create the same sampling distribution, so with the prob. on y-axis
  • only this time the x axis will consist of all possible sum of rankings for only one group.
  • then calculate p value with the observed rank sum.

What do we do if two participants tend to have equally good ranks?

we give both of them the average of those two ranks, so rank 2 and 3 become both 2.5

How do you get a two sided p value from a single z score?

founded p value times 2

When is it advisable to summarize a group by median instead of mean?

when the response distribution of the groups may be skewed.

What is the assumption for using the median to compare groups?

the population distributions for both groups have the same shape.

When would you use the kruskal-wallis test instead of anova f?

if the population distribution is not normal. when the sample size is not large.

How do you perform a kruskal wallis nonparametric test for comparing several groups?

  1. assumptions
  2. H0: identical population distributions for g groups.
  3. H1: population distributions not identical
  4. use kruskal wallis test statistic
  5. p value from chi squared with df=g-1
  6. conclusion

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