Element 3 - Abuse - Exclusionary Abuse - Refusal to Supply
5 important questions on Element 3 - Abuse - Exclusionary Abuse - Refusal to Supply
Instituto Chemioterapico Italiano SpA/Commercial Solvents (cases 6 and 7/73)
CS held CSC having a DP in market for amino-butanol and refused to supply Zoja causes Zoja could no longer make a drug used to treat TB.
Metro-SB-Grossmarkte GmbH & Co v Commission
Radio Telefis Eireann v Commission, British Broadcasting Corporation v Commission and Independent Television Publications Ltd v Commission
Held: GC upheld the decision of the Commission which condemned a refusal to supply a party with whom it had no pre-existing commercial relationship.
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Radio Telefis Eireann Commission (Magill case)
The CJ focused on the fact that the television companies were the sole source of the information which is needed to produce weekly listings guides for all channels, that there was a market for such a product and the product was not being produced because of the behaviour of the television companies, and that the television companies were therefore without objective justification seeking to reserve a secondary market (television guide publishing) to themselves.
Essential Facilities doctrine
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