High-performance Work Systems - High-performance work systems and AMO model

3 important questions on High-performance Work Systems - High-performance work systems and AMO model

What is the AMO model?

The AMO model argues that an HR system which has attention for employee's interests will serve organizational interests.

Overall performance will be achieved by employee Abilities + Motivation + Opportunity.

Regarding the AMO model, with which HR practices can you improve Abilities, Motivation and Opportunity?

- Abilities; selective recruitment and selection, training and development. You can recognize ability through quality.

- Motivation; Perfomance Appraisal, PRP, getting paid, coaching. You can recognize motivation through intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

- Opportunity; autonomy, job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment, communication, decentralization, decision making.
You can recognize opportunity through involvement.

What is the difference between job enlargement and job enrichment?

Job enlargement is about having more different tasks. (Hoeveelheid)

Job enrichment is about having more different tasks that need different abilities.   (inhoudelijk)

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