Article Einarsen: Climate for conflict management, exposure to workplace bullying and work engagement: a moderated mediation analysis

7 important questions on Article Einarsen: Climate for conflict management, exposure to workplace bullying and work engagement: a moderated mediation analysis

Employers have an obvious interest in two things ....

  1. Preventing bullying from occurring and
  2. Reducing its potential negative outcomes. Even if bullying may be related to the personality of the parties involved

Employers have an obvious interest in two things ....

  1. Preventing bullying from occurring and
  2. Reducing its potential negative outcomes. Even if bullying may be related to the personality of the parties involved

Preventive tool of employers is organizational measures

  • It is afflicting 10% of the working population.

For example: work design, the policies and procedures in place for the management of
interpersonal conflicts or the mere working climate in the organization
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Bullying qualifies as a hindrance demand

due to the difficulty of coping with it and the prolonged mental strain on the person affected.

The ink between interpersonal conflicts and exposure to workplace bullying, may escalate over time. If badly managed

  • training managers in interpersonal conflict management must be a basic element in any preventive strategy against bullying.
  • a strong climate for CCM: employees' beliefs that interpersonal conflicts are generally managed well and fairly in their organization, and that general procedures for the distribution of benefits and burdens in the organization are fair, may play an important role in

The ink between interpersonal conflicts and exposure to workplace bullying, may escalate over time. If badly managed

  • training managers in interpersonal conflict management must be a basic element in any preventive strategy against bullying.
  • a strong climate for CCM: employees' beliefs that interpersonal conflicts are generally managed well and fairly in their organization, and that general procedures for the distribution of benefits and burdens in the organization are fair, may play an important role in

If signs of tolerating or condoning behaviour

more likely to harass women in working environments where the management is perceived as tolerating or condoning of such behavior

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