Human Resource Management and Measurement/ methods en metingen - Tension between HR-related, organizational and financial outcomes

6 important questions on Human Resource Management and Measurement/ methods en metingen - Tension between HR-related, organizational and financial outcomes

What is the reason of tention between the three outcomes?

Due to conflicting interests of stakeholders.

What is the steering point of the Strategic Balance Theory?

Successful organizations score above average on HR, financial and organizational outcomes. The organizations are out of balance if one one of the parts scores higher than the others.

It is basically about the balance between employer and employee interests. This needs to be in balance.

What are the aim and four perspectives of the balanced scorecard?

The second technique to measure outcomes is the balanced score card. Its aim is a measurable framework for mapping an organization's assets based on goalsetting into four perspectives:

1. Financial / accounting; how do we look to our stakeholders? (most important) (retrospective) 
2. External / customer: how do our customers see us? (present)
3. Internal business; what must we excel at? (present)
4. Knowledge and growth; including innovation and learning; can we continue to improve and create value? (prospective)
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of the BSC?

Advantages Balanced scorecard;
- Connecting goal setting to measures
- popular and applied by many organizations
- Generic, Easy to apply

Disadvantages balanced scorecard;
- Not much space for employee attitude and behaviour.

After the HRA and balanced score card several HR scorecards were developed. What was the main difference between the prior and next generation HR scorecards?

The prior HR scorecards were mainly focused on the HR practices and the next generation scorecards had besides the HR practices also the other organizational practices in mind.

What is the workforce scorecard?

The workforce scorecard is intended to bridge the narrow HR scorecard approaches that are mainly focused on the HR function itself to the strategy. It has 4 key dimensions

1. Culture and mindset
2. Workforce behaviour
3. The competences of the workforce, in particular core employees
4. The workforce success in achieving strategic goals

Its strenght is the actual translation of the scorecard into practice.

It's an anglo-saxon approach: the ultimate business goals in terms of financial success.

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