Implementation Strategy

9 important questions on Implementation Strategy

What is the difference between HR practices and work practices?

HR practices are the instrumental part of HRM including recruitment, selection, training, development, appraisal and rewards.

Work practices are the design elements of HRM including autonomy, team work, rotation, decentralization, involvement, participation and job enrichment.

Work practices cover the area of work and job design that are essential in times of organizational change.

What is competitive strategy?

Choosing different set of activities to deliver a unique value

What are the 3 basic factors of the implementation strategy?

  1. Map best practices
  2. Show leadership at all levels
  3. Create connections
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One of the most important elements of an organization is the configuration:

the cultural administrative heritage of an organization.

Strategic choices are determined by configuration -> creates opportunities for unique people
management approaches.

Boxall and Purcell (2011) link multiple strategies, as functional silos to the overall --> Business strategy

The system of an organization's important choices: a system that could be well integrated around common concerns or which might have various links and foul-ups.

Best principles, leadership and connectivity --> Organizations can benefit from 3 basic factors these are the keys of implementation.

o Map the best principles in the organization
o Show leadership at all levels to make things happen
o Create connections, for example through platforms

Implementation strategy trust and fun

The way we look at SHRM issues is dominated by a structural and behavioral perspective. It's important to have a broad perspective and there are two factors that help with that:
  • Trust
  • Fun

What are the 3 keys for implementation?

1. Map the best principles in the organization
2. Show leadership at all levels to make things happen
3. Create connections for example through platforms

What is the law of requisite variety?

The more dynamic circumstances are, the more business results depend on the ability of leadership, management and employees to adapt.

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