Human Resource Management and Performance: Adding value through people/managment en prestaties - Competitve advantage and critical HR goals

8 important questions on Human Resource Management and Performance: Adding value through people/managment en prestaties - Competitve advantage and critical HR goals

In what way does the model of Boxall & Purcell differ from Barney?

Within the model of Boxall & Purcell they state that linking UBG's and organizational performance leads to.... However, the UBG's are only relevant for organizations that are capable of managing and maintaining valuable, rare and difficult to intimitate resources in a structural way (5-10%). Besides, it only looks at profit organizations.

However, the VRIO framework focuses on the way organizations can achieve sustained competitive advantage.

That's why Boxall & Purcell build up on the model of Barney.

What is the difference between Ultimate business goals and organizational performance?

The UBG's create and maintain viability (continuity) with adequate return to stakeholders and strive for competitive advantage.

The organizational performance are critical and critical non-HR goals. After you have formulated the UBG's, you need to link them to critical and non-critical HR goals.

What is the difference between the critical HR and critical non-HR goals?

The critical HR goals are the goals that are linked to the UBG's on which HR has a direct influence. It includes HR outcomes.

The critical non-HR goals are goals that might include desired outcomes for sales, market share, and so on.
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What is the disadvantage of the Boxell & Purcell model?

It focuses on non-profit organizations

What are the three types of critical HR goals that Boxall & Purcell distunguish?

1. Labour productivity; the amount of output per unit of input. This is the most popular outcome variable overall.
- Quality represents the effectiveness of the organization's services and products, often directly linked to customer demands and satisfaction.

2. Organization flexibility; the capacity to change and/or adapt.
- Numerical, functional and mental flexibility.

3. Social legitimacy and employment citizenship; legitimacy of an organization to the outside environment (on macro level).
- Micro level; the organization's legitimacy to its own employees
- Legitimacy & fairness are part of the moral side of managing people

Why is social legitimacy underdeveloped?

Because people tend to look at financial performances.

What are the three steps of the model of Boxall & Purcell

1. Determine the UBG's
2. Link the UBG's to critical HR and critical non-HR goals
3. Link the critical HR goals to HR outcomes

What are the four parts of the model of Boxall & Purcell?

1. HRM activities
2. HRM outcomes
3. Performance
4. Above is influenced by contigency and/or control variables: organizational level e.g. Age, size, technology and individual employee level e.g. Age, gender, education level, experience.

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