Basic book communication - The performance evaluation interview

3 important questions on Basic book communication - The performance evaluation interview

Goal performance evaluation interview

to attune the interests of the organization and the employees in an optimal manner.

  • Both ways: so not only evaluating the employee, but the employee can also discuss the manager.
  • The interests of the company and the individual
  • No influence on wage or promotion of the employee
  • Listening to problems and trying to carne with resolutions. -> important that resolutions have to be executed.

Condition performance evaluation interview

1. Both employees and managers need to be involved in setting up the interview.
2. lt has to be clear how the data will be used. (no consequences for career)
3. Managerial social skills are really important in this interview.
4. Is the organization climate ready for a performance interview? (involvement)

Judgement --> horn effect

one negative aspect overshadows all the other aspects.

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