Human Resource Roles - HR ambiguities

4 important questions on Human Resource Roles - HR ambiguities

What is the definition of personnel function?

Personnel function are the HR responsibilities and tasks that are bundled in an HR department and performed by HR professionals.

What are the three main ambiguities about HRM according to Legge?

1. For some personnel management tasks not clear who is in charge: the HR professional or the line manager. 
2. There is a difficulty in defining success.
3. Personnel managers are part of management, but have a special relationship with and responsibility for employees too.

What are the three vicious circles according to Legge why HR managers don't or limited get power and authority?

1. Lack of power
2. Uncertainty about success criteria
3. HR's inability to authorize CBA's
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To overcome the ambiguities and vicious circles, what are the three roles that can be distinguished?

1. The conformist innovator role; focused on the economic value of the employees

2. The deviant innovator role; focused on the economic and moral value. Long-term focus.

3. Problem solver role;  delivering HR practices to HR customers. This is a more realistic role. By solving problems, you get more credibility and can strenghten your reputation as personnel management.

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