Human Resource Management and Performance: Adding value through people/managment en prestaties

11 important questions on Human Resource Management and Performance: Adding value through people/managment en prestaties

What is the reversed approach of the HR value chain?

  1. Determine UBG's
  2. Critical and non critical HR goals
  3. HR outcomes
  4. HR practices

What is the difference between an organization and a professional organization?

An organization is a group of people who decided to co-operate with the aim to achieve a common goal.

A professional organization has on top of that two other things:
- Participants earn their living
- Continuity

When is the highest level in the VRIO framework achieved?

When resources are valuable, rare, difficult to imitate. This is caused by intensive organizational support.
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Imitability is one of the most important qualities of a resource. A resources can be imitable for one of the following reasons:

  1. Path dependency: develop over time
  2. Causal ambiguity: cause and effect relationships are hard to understand of you where not there
  3. Social complexity: unique internal and external networks

What are the 3 types of organizational flexibility?

  1. Numerical flexibility; use of employees during shifts and fluctuations
  2. Functional; ability to perform multiple taks and functions
  3. Mental; employees ability and willingness to change without resistance

What are the three reasons a resource could be difficult to intimitate?

- Path dependency; the ability of an organization to obtain a resource is dependent on unique historical conditions.
- Causal ambiguity; the link between resources prosessed by an organization and its sustained competitive advantage is causally ambiguous. There is a specific cause-and-effect relationship in organizations.
- Social complexity; the resource generating an organization's advantage is socially complex and difficult to understand.

What are the three organizational flexibilities that are distinguished within the model of Boxall & Purcell?

- Numerical flexibility; flexibility in the use of employees

- Functional flexibility; the degree to which employees are capable of performing multiple tasks and functions.

- Mental flexibility; employees ability and willingness to change without resistance.

What are HR outcomes and what two types can be distinguished?

HR outcomes are the result of people management in terms of employee attitude, behaviours and cognitive aspects.

1. Distal outcomes; outcomes with a distance from managerial practices including HR practices. E.g. Market value.

2. Proximal outcomes; are (almost) directly affected by HR interventions or practices. E.g. Employee satisfaction, commitment, motivation, trust, loyalty and retention.

What is the definition of HR practices?

These are the personnel interventions or actions that contribute to shaping the employment relationship in an organization.

What are the three types in which we can distinguish HR practices?

1. Intended HR practices ; policies and intended new HR practices by the HR department or HR professional
2. Actual HR practices; implemented by line managers
3. Perceived HR practices; employees experiences and perceptions of HR practices.

What does the HR strategy scan in combination with the HR value chain look like?

Zie afbeelding

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