High-performance Work Systems - Classic management models and system approaches

5 important questions on High-performance Work Systems - Classic management models and system approaches

In 1911 Taylor's Scientific management principles were developed. Describe this theory regarding:
- Main focus;
- Practices;
- System approach.

The Scientific management principles linked the financial incentives to individual performance to create a high performance organization.

Main focus: strong leadership and close employee monitoring
Practices: labour division, good working conditions, direct supervision and financial incentives.

System approach: direct control.

In 1930 Mayo developed his Human Relation movement. Describe this theory regarding:
- Main focus
- Practices
- Supervision

The Human Relation movement found out that higher attention leads to higher performance = hawthorne effect.

Main focus; Personal attention and employees in their social context
Practices; cooperation, good communication, information sharing, financial and non-financial incentives. 
Supervision; social integration

From 1950 - 1960 McGregors Theory Y was dominant. Describe this theory regarding:
- Main focus
- Practices
- Supervision

McGregor rejected the Maslow theory X; theory X believed that people were lazy and unmotivated by nature.

Main focus: theory Y creating autonomy, challenging jobs and employee involvement.
Practices: decentralization, job enlargement, job enrichment, performance appraisal
System: High involvement
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From 1960 Emery & Trist's Socio technical system theory was dominant. Describe this theory regarding:
- Main focus
- Practices
- System

The technical system theory combined production elements with social elements in order to enrich employee's jobs and create more organizational flexibility.

Main focus: new work designs for technical production settings.
practices; teamwork, job enlargement, job enrichment, job rotation, employee autonomy, good working conditions, integration products and work systems.
System: enrichment system.

What is Lean management? (1980s)

Lean management is focused on the value chain from customer perspective. It removes all activities, processes and systems that do not contribute in the overall chain. Basically they perserve value with less work.

This is a socio-technical approach.

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