Organisational change - How does it happen?

4 important questions on Organisational change - How does it happen?

There are tow approaches to organisational change. What are these?

  1. Top down (organisational power structures are top-down)
  2. Bottom-up (could be a revolution, does not have to be)

Organisation and the people within it do not like change. What are five reasons for that?

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Selective perception
  • Lack of information
  • Threat to power base (krachtbasis)
  • Organisational culture/norms

Does the shop floor welcome change?

Yes, they do when communication improves because there is a sense of unity and something is happening; however, often they want something different in their routine, not necessarily change.
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What should the organisation communicate about the change?

  • What these changes will mean.
  • Which steps are going to be taken.
  • How it is going to be monitored.
  • How the organisation is going to help its employees.

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