What makes a leader?

10 important questions on What makes a leader?

What is the definition of self-awareness in Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

It means knowing one's strenghts, weaknesses, drives, values, and impact on others.

Where does self-awareness in Emotional Intelligence (EI) consist of? There are four elements.

  1. Self-confidence
  2. Realistic self-assessment
  3. Self-deprecating sense of humour
  4. Thirst for constructive criticism

What is the definition of self-regulation in Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

It means controlling or redirecting disruptive impulses or moods.
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What does self-regulation in Emotional Intelligence (EI) consist of? There are four elements.

  1. Trustworthiness
  2. Integrity
  3. Comfort with ambiguity
  4. Openness to change

What is the definition of motivation in Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

It means being driven to achieve for the sake of own achievement.

Where does motivation in Emotional Intelligence (EI) consist of? There are four elements.

  1. A passion for the work itself and for new challenges
  2. Releasing energy to improve
  3. Optimism in the face of failure
  4. Organisational commitment

What is the definition empathy in Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

It means understanding other people's emotional structure, especially when making decisions.

What does empathy in Emotional Intelligence (EI) consist of? There are four elements.

  1. Expertise in attracting and retaining talent
  2. Ability to develop others
  3. Sensitivity to cross-cultural differences
  4. Service to customers

What is the definition of social skills in Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

It means building relationships with others to move them in desired directions.

What do social skills in Emotional Intelligence (EI) consist of? There are four elements.

  1. Effectiveness in leading change
  2. Persuasiveness
  3. Extensive networking
  4. Expertise in building and leading teams

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