Monitoring change - Models

3 important questions on Monitoring change - Models

What does management by objective (MBO) define?

  • It defines objectives for each employee.
  • After that, their performance is compared and directed against these objectives.

MBO objectives should be SMART. What does SMART mean?

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic/relevant
  • Time-related

For example:
  • The company will use downsize its employees by 5% in 2 years by natural attrition as much as possible, otherwise with redundancies.
  • Increase sales by x% in 2 years.
  • Acquire x new customers within 2 years.
  • Retain x number of customers within 2 years.

SMART objectives is a part of MBO objectives should be set for the whole organisation. What are the five different levels?

  1. Corporate objectives (Exemplar)
  2. Company objectives (Woodco)
  3. Divisional objectives (Outdoor)
  4. Departmental objectives (Sales)
  5. Individual objectives (John Smith)

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