Politicking - Political diagnostic analysis

5 important questions on Politicking - Political diagnostic analysis

Why should a political diagnostic analysis take place?

You need to evaluate the situation before you are going to take political actions.

What are the three steps in the political diagnostic analysis?

  1. Assess your organisation's culture
  2. Assess the power of others
  3. Assess your power

Assessing the company's culture is the first step of the political diagnostic analysis. What is a company culture?

It is a set of unwritten norms that members of the organisation accept and understand, and that guide their actiones.
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Assessing the power of others is the second step of the political diagnostic analysis. What are the four things you have to look at when assessing the power of others?

  1. Some people have influence as a result of their formal position in the organisation.
  2. Some people have influence as a result of the resources they control and its centrality in the organisation.
  3. Some people have control and access to key information/expert knowledge and possession of special skills.
  4. Assess the boss' influence.

Assessing your own power is the third step of the political diagnostic analysis. How to assess your own power?

  1. Personal charisma
  2. Expertise
  3. Position in the company
  4. Relationship between you and other powerholders

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